Apple has unveiled the latest version of its MacBook Pro, Aside from the Touch Bar, the laptop itself is an engineering marveland it includes a brand new touchscreen feature which lets you access certain tools and shortcuts right from the keyboardthe new 13-inch Pro in the other, and I couldn't tell a difference. The 15-inch version is a bit heavier, of course, but it's still relatively svelte considering how powerful it is.
The new 13-inch MacBook Pro with traditional function keys will start from Rs 1,29,900 while the 13-inch and 15-inch models with the new Touch Bar start from Rs 1,55,900 and Rs 2,05,900 respectively. The new MacBook Pro offers Force Touch trackpads that are 46 percent larger on the 13-inch MacBook Pro and twice as large on the 15-inch MacBook Pro.
15-inch MacBook Pro with the Touch Bar
Touch Bar and Touch ID
15.4-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit Retina display
2.7GHz, or 2.9GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor
Turbo Boost up to 3.8GHz
Up to 10 hours battery life
Up to 2TB SSD
Force Touch trackpad
13-inch MacBook Pro
13.3-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit Retina display
2.2GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 or 2.4GHz dual-core Intel Core i7 processor
Turbo Boost up to 3.4GHz
Up to 10 hours battery life
Up to 1TB SSD
Force Touch trackpad
3-inch MacBook Pro with the new Touch Bar
13.3-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit Retina display
2.9GHz or 3.3GHz dual-core Intel Core i7 processor
Turbo Boost up to 3.6GHz
Up to 10 hours battery life
Up to 1TB SSD
Force Touch trackpad
Apple MacBook Air lineup could be phased out soon with the pricey 2016 MacBook taking its place.
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