While the show is incredibly popular among the audience, it has also attracted controversy. Gayathri Raghuram had used the word ‘cheri’ while talking about the behaviour of a fellow contestant, garnering criticism from all quarters. There seems to be no end for the trouble veteran actor Kamal Haasan is facing over reality show Bigg Boss Tamil. The show, hosted by Kamal, has been embroiled in a variety of controversies right from Day One with the latest being a 100 crore defamation suit.
Puthiya Tamizhagam founder-president Dr K Krishnaswamy has filed the suit against the actor and the channel amid others over Choreographer Gayathri Raghuram’s comment on the show. She had used the word ‘cheri’ (slum) while talking about a fellow housemate’s behaviour on the show.
Saying that the remark hurt the sentiments of the community and depicted them in bad light, the leader had earlier threatened Kamal with a defamation suit if he did not apologise for the same. Now in the notice served through lawyers, the party has sought Rs 100 crore as damages if the actor and TV channel failed to tender an unconditional apology within seven days of receipt of the notice, Krishnasamy said on Sunday.
Besides Kamal, notices have been issued to Gayatri Raghuram, Deepk Dhar, CEO and managing director, Endemol Shine India, Mumbai, and Ajay Vidya Sagar, general manager, Star Vijay TV, Chennai, he said.
“We have always raised our voice when derogatory remarks have been uttered against poor and marginalised. There is no personal grudge against Kamal Haasan. We had given him enough time to apologise. The show is not directly telecasted. When it is edited, they could have easily edited that portion,” the leader said to India Today.
Source - The Indian Express
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