Kannada actor and cricketer Dhruv Sharma passed away on Tuesday morning and the news of his demise came as a big shock to the film industry. He died of multiple organ failure. Many prominent faces of the industry expressed their grief on social media. Actor Riteish Deshmukhwas shaken with the news and Aftab Shivdasani also stated that he will miss the actor. Dhruv, who also had cricketing skills, played matches in Celebrity Cricket League.
Dhruv was deaf and mute and was the fittest member of his team. Thus, his death has shocked his friends. Reportedly, the actor was admitted to the hospital on Saturday after he collapsed in his home and on August 1 morning, he suffered heart attack and multiple organ failure and was declared dead by the doctors.
Am so heart broken, shaken beyond words. My dearest Dhruv Sharma you will be missed forever brother. Thank you for ur warm hugs & love. #RIP pic.twitter.com/lILWZPG0wM— Riteish Deshmukh (@Riteishd) August 1, 2017
Shocked on knowing the passing away of one of the nicest guys around. Will miss u my brother. Be at peace wherever u are. RIP #DhruvSharma 💔 pic.twitter.com/hHXgdUY48X— Aftab Shivdasani (@AftabShivdasani) August 1, 2017
I can't believe you've left all of us and gone!Rest in peace #dhruvsharma, strength and prayers to your family, especially ur two lil girls😠pic.twitter.com/lvqaxKXcGK— Rayane Mithun (@rayane_mithun) August 1, 2017
Dhruv appeared in many Kannada movies and used his lip-syncing skills to act in films.
Rest in peace brother
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